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Every start of any brand is complex but choosing a good name that represents it is even more complicated. Here’s what we have to keep in mind.

What is naming?

What is naming?

During the process of creating a brand, one of the biggest doubts is what the name will be. It doesn’t matter if it is a company Branding or a single person.

Finding the name that defines what we are is what we know as naming. A process by which all brands must pass at the beginning of their activity.

The name of a brand represents it and gives a sense. Your generation process must be conceptualized to obtain the best result.

It must transmit the values of the brand and those of the product or service that is offered. That’s why, the concept must be clear to new users. It must be easy to remember and attract attention. This process not only represents our brand, it is also the tool that will allow us to launch it on the market, minimizing the margin of error.

Before defining the name, we must define the brand strategy and know what we want to transmit with the brand. For this process, it is essential to know the market in which we are going to operate, define our marketing strategies and, above all, be creative.

Why do you have to consider the domains?

Why do you have to consider the domains?

After a brief first naming process, the brand registration should be reviewed. It is possible that we have the bad luck that our name is already registered, and the process must be started again with the consequent loss of time. To avoid this, you must check if the domains of the names found in this first version are available. In addition to discarding names, we can be inspired by the ones we find to have different ideas.

It may be the case, that during the naming process, all the names we have thought of are already registered, that is why it is a complicated process with many hours of creative work. If this is the case, do not lose your nerves and continue with the process.

During the search process of a domain, we must consider the direction our brand can take and the expansion it can have in a short and medium term. For example, we could intuit the expansion to other countries and it is possible that territorial domain is suitable if we consider this strategy. If it is territorially important, phonetically a name based on a word can connote something that does not go with the brand.

Concept "There is no naming without domain"

Concept “There is no naming without domain”

With this article, and several naming processes in 18 years, in Addmira we know the complexity that this process entails. We always recommend the naming to be done externally, since professionals and specialists in this field take into account and manage to solve the difficulties posed to launch a brand effectively.

In Addmira, naming and registration is a unique process. We understand that the naming depends a lot on the domain and the domain of a good naming. This allows us to minimize the error rate and achieve greater efficiency in the shortest time.



To help you in the process of creating naming you can use a series of tools that can help you in the process:

  • PortmanteaurThis tool helps you find names by mixing concepts or words.
  • NamechkHere you can check if your name has available domains and if your name is available for social networks as well.
  • WordsafetyOn this website you can check if the name chosen for your brand can result in a bad word in another language.
  • Ideasafines:  In ideasafines you can find words related to your search to help you as an inspiration.
  • TmdnHere you can review the brand registration and the categories in which it is available in different countries.

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Nolasc Azcona

Author Nolasc Azcona

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